| Stretch Online Easter 2021
Gal Naor
Self-Translated - a playful mindful celebration

Let’s move together! In this dancing session, we dive separately-together into a physical-abstract journey. We learn how to listen to our body-knowledge, practice handy Mudra’s “power-stations”, set our intentions, shake to sweat mental baggage, and expand our mutual heart. Dressed-up or wear casual, come as perfect as you are! These inclusive sessions are exclusively addressed to all types of GBTQ men.
(The sessions are lead in English and will be simultaneously interpreted to Sign-Language for our Deaf brothers.)

Gal Naor is a Berlin-based Israeli Sign Language interpreter, theater maker, choreographer, and founder of “The progressive wave” performative initiative. In his work, he combines dance, performance art, visual art, and consciousness studies. Gal’s approach to the performance world is inclusive and based on the understanding that each body should move in its unique way. Including a diverse range of performers, The progressive wave’s work is encouraging the empowerment of queer identities. www.theprogressivewave.com
13:00 - 14:15 CET
the Heart of Experience - a mindful discussion

How can we fully embrace the invitation for self-observation resulted from the world pandemic? What is our collective mission as love-ambassadors these days? Can we first come to terms with ourselves and redefine our freedom? Let’s revive the inner dialogue with our Sacred Animals and discuss all that is vital for our wellbeing.

Gal Naor is a Berlin-based Israeli Sign Language interpreter, theater maker, and choreographer. In 2014, together with his partner, he established “The progressive wave” performative-initiative. For the past sixteen years, Gal is studying Jewish secret mysticism, a.k.a Kabbalah* in a unifying prism, encoding the ancient wisdom into an up-to-date comprehensive practice, (re)claiming religious ideas to the gay community. (*In Hebrew also means “Acceptance”)
13:00 - 14:30 CET
The list of facilitators and the program of Stretch Festival for Gay, Bi, Trans & Queer Men are subject to last minute changes.