Program coming soon
Friday October 29
Opening Ceremony

Doors open at 09:30. Please have your documents (proof of vaccination or recovery and ID) in hand.

Each day will begin with some welcoming words from the curator of Stretch Festival, followed by a simple but powerful ritual, so we can connect with ourselves and each other, and get in the right frame of mind for the day ahead!
10:40 - 11:00 CET
Safer Stretch - Tools for Selfregulation and Selfcare with Jochen Stechmann
Safer Stretch introduces some practical, body based and resource oriented tools to help you navigate challenging situations during Stretch - emotionally, mentally, physically.
In individual and group exercises, using our ability to connect to ourselves and others, we develop some fun strategies for moments when you are triggered or slightly overwhelmed. This might support you to enjoy the festival in a more regulated state, in a good contact with yourself and with an elevated capacity to make new connections.

Jochen works as Bodyworker (Pantarei Approach) and graduating Traumatherapist (Somatic Experiencing) in Berlin in one-to-one session and group workshops, mainly with queer identified people.
He studied Mathematics, Contemporary Dance and Theatre and has been busy for 15 years as Performer and Choreographer in the Netherlands.
He is fascinated by the variety of abilities of the body and the nervous system to intuitively regulate itself, and how empathetic, attentive touch can support this process.
11:00 - 12:30 CET
Welcoming and grounding space for transgender, non-binary, genderfluid, intersex and other gender-non conforming people with Levi Appleton und Raf Benato.

This space has been created at the very start of Stretch to enable trans and non-binary attendees to get to know each other a little, build some supportive networks and talk about how we might navigate and make the most of the festival as marginalized folx.
We will talk about how it feels to be in this 'masculine', cis-male dominated space and explore what support we can offer each other as well as identify what support might be available from the organizers. Starting with some simple grounding/manifesting exercises, we will take time to think about what tools we can use to help us to articulate our boundaries and expectations.

Levi (he /they) is a Black-british trans artist and activist who has been organising and facilitating trans separatist spaces for many years. Amongst other projects Levi currently works with Trans Fest Stockholm and the Unpacked reading group.
Raf (they/them) is a queer, non-binary academic and coach from London. They run events and facilitate workshops across Europe as well as providing sex and relationship coaching.
11:00 - 12:30 CET
The Importance of Feeling Safe with Tom Barber

We are highly evolved, adaptable, social, intelligent, emotional and playful animals! How we experience the world and ourselves often depends on how safe we feel. At times we need to be defensive and protective, in other moments we feel safe enough to be open and playful. This workshop is a gentle introduction to various exercises that guide us to the physical reality of safety, inspired by my experience of running retreats, and by Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory.

I'm the founder of a Yoga community for GBTQ Men, teaching regular classes in Berlin and now hosting adventurous Men's retreats around Europe.
I'm trained in Forrest Yoga, Power Yoga and Meditation. My passion is to bring people together, to create a space where people feel free and empowered to face up to what holds them back in life, to embrace joy, to welcome pleasure, and to come alive!
11:00 - 12:30 CET
The concept of many hands - touch, consent, no and yes and everything in between with Alexander Hahne
How does it go again with touch and being close? Do you remember? We will approach physical closeness and touch together. We will go into contact and out of contact together. Practice saying no, saying yes and everything in between. How far is close enough? We practise making decisions and implementing them directly. We will explore embodied consent and reclaim touch and being touched. The focus of the workshop will be on the alternations of touching and being touched, saying no and saying yes.

Alexander Hahne, gay trans* man, sex educator (gsp), somatic educator and Bodyworker, white, lives with chronic pain. Leader of workshops around the topics of body awareness, intimacy, sexuality and sexual health.
13:00 - 14:30 CET
Deconstructing & Decolonizing Yogic Practices with Daddypuss Rex
Informational workshop plus a movement-based practice centered around dismantling mainstream and whitewashed notions and narratives of yoga and its history by presenting its African (Kemetic, Yoruba) roots and philosophies. Followed by a joyful, nurturing, body inclusive yoga session that incorporates postures, movements and breathwork honoring both the Vedic and the African lineages, accompanied by a really dope playlist. Led by Daddypuss Rex, a Black, non-binary, gender goblin and somatics & yoga guide.

Iroko Yoga centers BIPOC and Queer/Trans experiences, narratives and bodies. Founded by Daddypuss Rex (they/them), a Blaqueer, non-binary trans yoga teacher, critical race & gender educator and community organizer whose aim is to empower practitioners of all intersections and identities to fully engage with and exercise their agency on and off the mat as an act of radical self-acceptance and as an act of sustainable community resistance.
13:00 - 14:30 CET
How to be naked in public with Maevon Canter
For newbies and pros alike, this workshop is a mindful exploration of the subtly altered state of being naked in public. What fears, joys or other sensations arise as we strip away our clothes and what can they teach us about ourselves. Getting only as naked as you wish, the invitation is to become curious about this most natural, if uncommon state. After all, as a wise teacher once said - "we're all born naked and the rest is drag."
Maevon has pursued an informal exploration of spirituality and movement for over 30 years. He has studied Fine Art and The Alexander Technique and calls himself a Radical Faerie. In 2009 Maevon began studying somatic practices with Authentic Eros and certified as a Sacred Intimate in the Body Electric tradition. He loves Berlin amongst other reasons for the multiple opportunities it provides to be socially naked.
13:00 - 14:15 CET
Improvisational and Meditative Movement Class with Edward D. Lathan IV

The class utilizes a blend of various movement and meditation modalities in the forms of yoga/meditative movement, guided improvised movement, self-care techniques, and exercises, and even some dance, all cultivated into a singular practice that aims to be fun, and simple, yet, therapeutic and healing. This class aims to challenge each individual in discovering their own innate movement artistry through self-reflective exercises, though aware of others and surroundings, always focusing inwardly for self-growth.

Eddy D. Lathan IV is a multidisciplinary artist and teaching artist in New York. He trained, studied, and performed with The Hip Hop Dance Conservatory and Repertory Company from 2008 to 2013 in NYC. Eddy has taught, performed, and trained worldwide since 2014. He's a volunteer, facilitator, and Event Host at Easton Mountain since 2018. In addition, he is a certified yoga and meditation instructor as well as the founder of NuDance (
16:00 - 17:30 CET
Intergenerational Conversations with David James

The extended family has been an essential tradition through history. As gay and queer folks, however, our biological families can be problematic; but as a group and a continuum, we can be each other’s family. A we’re stronger together, sharing our experiences, learning from our rich variety of different generations and intersectionalities, gathering insights and ideas so each of us can move forward with fresh energy in what can feel like an increasingly unstable world.
A workshop where small mixed-age groups can just talk about topics of common interest (isolation, intimacy, friendship) from different perspectives. This emotional shared closeness as older and younger siblings can be a wonderful thing! The workshop is welcoming to all, no matter what pronouns you are most comfortable with.

David James has worked as a theatre maker in New York, LA, London and Melbourne, currently leading BOOK Music & Lyrics, a professional development workshop for musical theatre writers, composers, lyricists & directors. He began spiritual awareness joining Al-Anon in 1985, leading beginners’ sessions at the Manhattan Gay & Lesbian Community Centre. He later studied with Louise Hay, Bernie Siegel and Stephen Levine, and was a founding member of Cynthia O’Neil’s Friends In Deed.
16:00 - 17:30 CET
Touch Yourself! Explorations in Self-Pleasure with Jason King & Jeremy Shub

Do you own your pleasure? Many of us get stuck in the same patterns of masturbating, limiting the fullness of pleasure we could be experiencing. In this workshop, you're invited to become your greatest lover. You’ll learn how to explore full body pleasure, tuning in to your body's desires and finding your juiciest pleasure zones. In exploring new masturbation techniques and owning what holds you back, you'll reach new levels of erotic freedom and self-acceptance.

Jeremy Shub currently works as a sex therapist, sex educator, Sexological Bodyworker and sex coach. He lives in Amsterdam. He identifies as polyamorous, sex worker, kinky and queer. Jeremy has university degrees in Education, Science, Creative Art and Sexual Health. He has facilitated many workshops on sexuality, relationships and frolicking.
Jason King is a Sexological Bodyworker and somatic sex educator. He is passionate about helping people expand their sense of what’s possible in their sex lives. Jason works with individuals and groups to manifest powerfully healing embodied experiences, build community, and embrace our erotic oneness.
16:00 - 17:30 CET
Introduction Ballroom history and Vogue Fem with Ria Saint Laurent
Introduction into Ballroom Culture, Vogue Fem 5 elements, understanding of Body and Female energy.
My name is Ria. I´m an artist, part of the Ballroom community and Trans activist.
18:00 - 19:30 CET
PlayFull Intimacy with Simon Magnus

In this workshop we will bring play deeper into your body and use it to create moments of intimacy with yourself and others. What does it mean to be playfully intimate? Play is a fundamental part of what makes us human; it’s how we learn, how we connect and how we deepen our relationships. However for a lot of us true instinctual play doesn’t play a role in our adult lives. Let’s change that together!

Simon Magnus runs workshops that use play and creativity to help us reconnect to a deeper sense of ourselves, and see our place in the communities we are part of. He has spent the last 20+ years developing methods from improvised theatre to somatic trauma work to bring people back in touch with their bodies. Working from mental health settings to corporate teams, he takes people on journeys which unmask a deeper self.
18:00 - 19:30 CET
Sexy Strippy Dancercise with Jorge De Hoyos
Get yourself hot and horny in a fun group dance class. We’ll start slow and steady, preparing our bodies to sweat, pant and shake from that kundalini feeling deep inside. It’s a follow-along dance-sexercise class with plenty of space to improvise on your own. Heart rates and hip thrusts will accelerate. Please wear clothing! …we got to get it hot in order to strip it off.
Jorge De Hoyos is a contemporary dancer, performer and choreographer from California, based in Berlin since 2012. He loves to channel sexual and sensual energy when he warms up to dance…a potent and grounding way to connect to his own body and joyful when he can share this on the gogo platform, in a rehearsal room, a stage or on the dance floor.
18:00 - 19:00 CET
The list of facilitators and the program of Stretch Festival for Gay, Bi, Trans & Queer Men are subject to last-minute changes.