Finding safety within
Krzysztof Bierski
he | him | they | them
This hands-on workshop offers simple techniques - both ancient and modern - for cultivating a sense of personal safety. We will explore how voice, breath, words, movements and gestures can help disengage the mind from overwhelming negative thoughts, the traumas of the past, and the fear of uncertainty. The goal is to try out a range of tools for feeling protection regardless of the circumstances and to create your own unique practices for inner peace.
Krzysztof Bierski
My name is Krzysztof. I am Wrocław-born, London-grown and Berlin-based. Trained in anthropology and media, I have been working as a researcher, lecturer, educator and coach. During long-term field research in South Asia, Europe and the Middle East I’ve been exploring how we respond to life challenges and move to stay well. Since 2010, I’ve been co-creating wellbeing education programmes focused on nature relatedness, contemplative and improvisational movement.