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Post Stretch festival chill-out – Instinct special

A final social event of Stretch Festival Berlin // Easter 2023 and the best way to say goodbye to your Stretch friends and visit Village Berlin before you go home.
On Easter Monday come and spend the afternoon in Village Berlin to chill out, cuddle, talk and take in the art of the instinct edition #12 An AIDS Walkthrough

An AIDS Walkthrough
List of artists:
Judy Dunaway
Yves de Brabander
Santiago Echeverry
Dodi Espinosa
Tomás Espinosa
Carlos Enfedaque
Constantin Hartenstein
Gregorio Ortega Coto
Hanna Schaich
Enad Marouf
Samuel Perea-Díaz
Régis Samba-Kounzi
Coral Short & Jean P’ark
Manuel Solano
Kurt von Bley

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