| Stretch Online Oct 2020
Jochen Kleres
Moving and Sharing in our Very Own Queer Space

The Corona epidemic has limited queer spaces and disrupted
queer social life, confining us more to the privacy of our homes. This has especially affected aspects of queer living that extend beyond domesticity so compatible with heteronormative ways of life. At the same time, our homes are also personal, intimate, regenerative, protective etc. spaces and a particular resource to queer life.
Let’s try and capitalize some on this and use online-tools to connect with one another in our very own queer space—at home—across some physical, social and global distances. We can share a part of ourselves in our home space and offer it for others to relate to us. The workshop will guide participants to focus on: How does it feel to be in your space?
Which aspects do you want to share with another, which do you want to keep for yourself? In the end we will not only meditate these questions and share an online view of our space but fill this space with our personal dance movements as an offer for others to connect with us. No prior dance experience is required, merely an openness to explore expressing yourself through movement.
Let’s try and capitalize some on this and use online-tools to connect with oneanother in our very own queer space—at home—across physical, social and global distances. We can share a part of ourselves in our home space and offer it for others to relate to us. The workshop will guide participants to focus on: How does it feel to be in your space? Which aspects do you want to share with another, which do you want to keep for yourself? In the end we will not only share an online view of our space but fill this space with our personal dance movements as an offer for others to connect with us.

Jochen Kleres is based in Berlin. His background is in sociology and
contact improvisation. He co-facilitates a contact improvisation group for gay, bi, trans, and queer men at Village Berlin e.V. He also aspires to become a dance therapist.