Her Majesté Queen Mother Dówóti Desir

Her Royal Majesty Queen Mother Dr. Dòwòti Désir the 1st of the Haut Counsel des Rois du Bénin (High Council of Kings of Benin) is the Queen Mother of the African Diaspora of Bénin Republic of West Africa, and formerly associated with the Palace of Dada Daagbo Hounon Houna (Bénin Republic). The Founder and President of, The AfroAtlantic Theologies & Treaties Institute (ATI) was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She is a member of the Academic Council of the Pan African World Museum (Ghana), and the Academy of Africana Indigenous Theology and Arts (Nigeria). A Fellow of the New York Interfaith Center, and a Manbo Asogwe (High Priest) in Haitian Vodou, she has been engaged in the racial justice movement since the 2001 at the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development, and the UN World Conference Against Racism, South Africa. The Founder and Past Chairperson of the NGO Committee for the Elimination of Racism, Afrophobia and Colorism at the United Nations, serves as the Ambassador for North America of the Mouvement International pour les Reparations and is a member of the Pan-African Coalition of Durban+20.