Please take good care of me
chose one with love
16:00 - 17:30

In this workshop we will learn to tune into someone else’s needs of comfort and safety while following our own agenda. This physical double-task is demanding, but has some real-life parallels. Originally just a 10-min-long warm-up exercise for playfight rituals, here we will finally have lots of time to explore how to be there for others and letting others take care of us. This workshop may include holding, gentleness and struggles to let go.

Lovedragon is a traveling soul. He is a playful creature teaching body awareness, communication and gentleness for like-minded folks wherever it is necessary - don’t be shy, just ask him. His favorite tools are tango, ropes and tarot cards. He also gives massages.
Most of his skills were developed outside of scholarly environments, but passionately and attending to details.
To trap a lovedragon, the best bait is anything containing coconut or a stack of board games.