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Oh feet

Yin Haolong

he | him



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What do you think when you think about your feet? This workshop invites you to a ritual to explore your feet. Anatomically, the delicate architecture of 26 bones - itself is a piece of art - alive in each one of us. Culturally, how do we see the feet, the feet as an object of fetish, desire, the feet as dirty and unclean, or the feet as something holy and respected? By bringing care into our lowest body parts, we aspire to elevate our sense of self and dignity. By bringing attention to our feet as a practice of flattening the hierarchy, the feet remind us to ground and to root. We will dance with the sensitivity of these beautiful, raw and felt human feet.

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Yin Haolong

Yin Haolong (he/him) is a dance artist, somatic bodyworker and teacher, originally from China and currently based in Berlin, Germany. He works to bring contact improvisation and somatic practices into dance education at universities in China, as well as teaching in festivals and workshops internationally. At the moment, he is editing a book on the early work of Steve Paxton and dance improvisation.
@ haolongyin

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