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Body language

Tamer & Bakry

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16:00 - 17:30

Village 3

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Let's reclaim our physical space and reconnect through healing movements and compassion for ourselves. The aim of the workshop is to enable the expression of one's own body in order to facilitate contact with our own resilience.
Together we experience how music and movement reshape our emotions and our sense of connection. Come to share a collective experience where dance ends, meditation begins - and to explore a little challenge.

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Tamer & Bakry

Tamer (he/him) is a singer, performer and advocate for LGBTQ+, the act of performing is an art to express himself and to confront the social norms through deconstuction of the body discipline. Through creative posture he reclaims the diversity in our figures.

Bakry Diarra (he/him) is a writer, femininist activist, leading different workshops regarding Awareness-raising on gender diversity in the workplace, Trainings (D&I for recruiters, unconscious Bias, etc.).


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