Queer up sin and confession
Martin Cederberg
he | him
13:00 - 14:30
Village 3
What can Christian sacraments offer a hedonistic queer community? Let's play and see. We will redefine sin in a meaningful way. You'll be offered remission for your sins during confession.
And you get the chance to be a priest. Many turn to eastern teachings for inspiration and guidance in their quests to become more enlightened. It’s getting less common to turn to the Abrahamitic religions.
They may have been part of oppressive systems, or just boring. Welcome heresy and blasphemy!
Martin Cederberg
My name is Martin Cederberg, I'm a moonlight farmer in the summer and a history student during winter. I'm also a trained life coach and a sales manager. Although I'm not religious I believe in the wisdom of centuries of gathered experience accumulated in our religions. This I want to continue to explore in a co-creative manner. And, I live in a chapel!
@ promenadcoachen