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So well trained - so animal!

Florian Filtzinger & Karl-Henrik Sahlen

he | him


18:00 - 19:30

Village 2

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In this workshop, we will dive into the dualities of the “two wolves” living inside us.

On the one hand, we have the behaved, trained and very social persona - the person our parents, society or our jobs want and require us to have. On the other hand, we carry an unleashed, wild and more animalistic self in us. How can these two co-exist and instead of causing dissonance nurture one another?

In a brave space, with methods out of mindful movement, meditation, yoga, coaching, bioenergetic bodywork and conscious engagement – always re-connecting the bodily experience through sharing circles – we will witness and support each other in exploring our relationship of the “leashed” and the “unleashed”.

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Florian Filtzinger & Karl-Henrik Sahlen

Florian studied Anthropology & Communication Science and worked in manifold projects of queer Berlin since 2013. Throughout his experience, he witnessed our bodies mostly being of use or having to be fixed when broken or not functioning well enough. 2017 he engaged with the studies of somatics at the Somatic Academy Berlin and now offers classes to elevate the body as a true resource of wisdom, joy and depth in our lives.

Henrik holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and works as a certified transformative life coach, Hatha Yoga teacher, and energy healing practitioner. He is dedicated to expanding consciousness, alignment, and self-love. Henrik's sessions, workshops, and retreats focus on presence, vulnerability, and authentic self-expression, aiming to free individuals from shame and suppression while fostering trust and self-empowerment.

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