Bearing witness to an era
David James
he | him
16:00 - 17:30
Village 2

David James came from small town Ohio to New York in 1968. He witnessed and participated in Stonewall, the burgeoning gay liberation movement, Fire Island, the baths, cruising the piers, the trucks, and the Rambles, discoing at the Firehouse, and the entirety of the AIDS pandemic and its endless hospital visits and funerals, working with Louise Hay and the first healing circles, and ACT UP. Come and share this important era of queer history.

David James
Stumbling into NYC gay life as a 22-year-old virgin, David was awkward, insecure, and pretty rubbish at it. Only in his late 30s, through 12-Step work and spiritual awareness groups, he began to gain emotional clarity, which he has nurtured down a long road that led him to leading workshops at STRETCH. In 2021, he coached actors for London’s Royal National Theatre for the Olivier Award winning production of Larry Kramer’s ‘The Normal Heart’.