| Stretch October 2021
Shlomi Moto Wagner
Naked Voices

Put your hand on your throat and say “Ahh”, can you feel your voice? Good! This is the starting point of this session that focuses on the voice. We will explore our vibrating bodies and how it translates into the communication of our emotions and desires. Let’s sing together with body and sensory expansions to elevate our interconnection and harmonize our beings in space together. The outcome of the workshop will be a fun queer healing choir.

Shlomi Moto Wagner is a Berlin-based Israeli opera singer and interdisciplinary performer. Sang as a soloist with orchestras worldwide and as a member of the Opera Studio of the New Israeli Opera. Since moving to Berlin in 2012 he works with various opera ensembles and experimental theatre-makers. Founder of the House of Mazeltov, a drag performance group researching the performative aspects of the voice, gender, tradition and identity. In 2017 he presented his performance “Glitter Salvation” in Berlin.