Dancing queen. a baroque dance indulgence
Jochen Kleres
16:30 - 18:30

In this workshop we will use simple elements of baroque and renaissance dance and turn them into a queer indulgence. After all, what can be queerer than a veritable baroque ball? This will not only be great campy fun. We switch into new personas that we create during the workshop. Let’s hold court to address questions such as: how can we move with grace and dignity? Who would we each invite in to staff our respective personal court? How to court someone with proper style? And finally, how can we transition from this back into our everyday lives?

Jochen Kleres
Jochen is a sociologist and aspiring dance therapist. He's a certified healing practitioner for psychotherapy. He loves dancing improvisation dance (contact improvisation, instant composition, Gaga) and blowing the bassoon - an instrument aptly called fagott in many languages. At the Village he volunteers as one of the facilitators of the Queer Contact Improvisation Lab & Jam/DisDance.